Frequently Asked Questions About the Ontario Resident Mare Program

The Ontario Resident Mare Program has provided the following information in response to breeders’ questions:

Q.    Why should I enrol my mare in the Ontario Resident Mare Program?

A.     Once your mare has been enrolled and completed the requirements of the Program, the foal will be designated as Ontario Bred and as such will be eligible to earn you substantial ONTARIO BRED REWARDS.

Q.    What are the requirements of the Program?

A.    Your mare must be enrolled in the Program before she foals. She must be in Ontario at the time of enrolment and she must remain in Ontario for 180 consecutive days surrounding the date of foaling.

Q.    What are the ONTARIO BRED REWARDS?

A.    Ontario Bred Rewards will be paid for two and three-year-olds and will amount to 15% of what the foal earns in the Ontario Sires Stakes PLUS 15% of what the foal earns in Open Stakes races in Ontario with an Added Money amount of $100,000 or more.

Q.     When should I enrol my mare?

A.     You can enrol your mare any time after conception and before foaling as long as she is in Ontario. The 180 days start on the day that Standardbred Canada receives your enrolment form. If you intend to move your mare shortly after foaling, you should enrol her about six months before she is due to foal. Special considerations may be granted for mares required to leave the Province temporarily for breeding or health reasons before their 180 days are completed. See Program Criteria booklet for complete details.

Q.     How do I enrol my mare?

A.     Copies of the enrolment form have been mailed to breeders. If you did not receive one, they are available at and or can be requested from Standardbred Canada at 905 858-3060 or by email at

Q.     Do I have to fill out the enrolment form every year?

A.     To simplify the process, once your mare has been enrolled in the Program, the next year you will receive a prefilled Renewal Form that can be used as long as her location or ownership has not changed.

Q.     What does it cost to enrol my mare?

A.     The enrolment fee is $50 per year.

Q.     Will my enrolment fee be refunded if my mare does not have a live foal?

A.     The mare enrolment fee covers the administration costs that are incurred by the Program each year. Therefore, the enrolment fee will not be refunded.

Q.     Can a non-Ontario resident participate in the Program?

A.     Yes. Only the mare is required to meet the residency requirements in Ontario.

Q.     Do I have to have an ORC licence to enrol my mare?

A.     Yes. You are required to have a current ORC licence to participate in the program. If you do not have an ORC owner or racing licence, you can obtain a Program Licence for $20.

Q.     Should I enrol my mare if she is not in foal to an Ontario Sire?

A.     Yes. Although your foal cannot race in Ontario Sires Stakes, it can still earn you ONTARIO BRED REWARDS in its two and three-year-old year amounting to 15% of what it earns in Open Stakes races in Ontario with an Added Money amount of $100,000 or more.

Q.     Are there any other Rewards besides the ONTARIO BRED REWARDS that my foal would be eligible for?

A.     If your foal is Ontario Sired, the Breeder will receive ONTARIO SIRED REWARDS equal to 5% of the foal’s OSS earnings whether or not the mare is enrolled in the Program.

Complete details of the Ontario Resident Mare program can be found in the 2011 Program Criteria Booklet which can be obtained by contacting the Ontario Racing Commission at 416 213-0520 or Standardbred Canada at 905 858-3060 or .

The Mare Enrolment Form for Foals of 2011can be DOWNLOADED HERE .

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